Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Creating WORLD LEADERS with:


The humility of a Saint


The Knowledge of the Learned and


The Wisdom of a Guru

Our Mission

Providing an environment where:

  • Learning is fun by using both Right and Left Brain Techniques.
  • Every child is growing in unbound freedom, play and creativity.
  • Children are getting trained to be entrepreneurs.
  • Children are learning comprehensive knowledge:     Outward (avidya) and Inward (vidya).
  • Children see Godliness in each other and Divinity in all Beings.

A world leader is a person who readily takes up personal responsibility and that of everybody around him. 

Leadership is a great quality one needs to imbibe in whichever career or profession one chooses.

Every child in Rishi Gurukulam is a world leader who enjoys his existence and takes responsibility joyfully.