Manoj J Lekhi

Guiding Force

Manoj Lekhi

Educationist, Life Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Author and a student for life!

Manoj J Lekhi​

lovingly called Manojji, is a truth seeker at heart and a friend and guide to thousands in India and overseas. Rishi Gurukulam was founded by Guruji Rishi Prabhakar and Manojji is the guidance force under the aegis of Guruji. He is the co-founder and exdirector of MET Rishikul Vidyalaya in Mumbai. Manojji is also an author and his expertise lies in multiple areas of child development, human consciousness, management and leadership skills.

His forte is to simplify the complicated science into simplified applicable practical tools, which even 10 years old child can understand. His motive is about transforming oneself within and there by experiencing abundance inside and out. His enthusiasm and love for knowledge, learning, and self-growth is a continuous source of inspiration for teachers, parents, and students of Rishi Gurukulam.